Moderators of the session were: on part of FCTAS RAS – Director of the Bashkir Branch, Can. Sci. (Econ.) G. R. Baimurzina; on part of FSBIS VolRC RAS – Sen. Res., Can. Sci. (Econ.) A. V. Popov.
The session was conducted online.
Presented reports:
– Digitalization of the Social Services in Russia; Digital Competences Issues. Speakers: Dr. Sci. (Soci.) O.I. Borodkina and Cand. Sci. (Econ.) V.A. Sibirev, St Petersburg University;
– “Old” and “New” Professions in the World of New Reality. Speaker: RAS Corr. Mem. Zh.T. Toshchenko, FCTAS RAS;
– Balance between Work and Personal Life of Successful Working Parents. Speaker: Dr. Sci. (Econ.) A.A. Shabunova, FSBIS VolRC RAS;
– The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Work Activities of the Population. Speaker: Dr. Sci. (Soci.) N.A. Romanovich, Public Opinion Institute “Qualitas”, Voronezh Branch of the Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA);
– Human Capital in Digital Economy. Speakers: Can. Sci. (Econ.) G.V. Leonidova and Can. Sci. (Econ.) K.A. Ustinova, FSBIS VolRC RAS.
Head of the Department of Editorial-and-Publishing Activity and Science-Information Support at FSBIS VolRC RAS O.V. Tret'yakova and Deputy Head of Department E.A. Kabakova actively participated in the session.
The broadcast of the session was attended by:
Maria Eugenia Longo – President of the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Work, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada;
Delphine Mercier – Vice-President of the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Work, LEST-CNRS, France.